Monday, April 04, 2011


Ok, Im not very good at keeping up on this thing lately and I think it's because I just prefer to spend my free time sitting on the couch with Seamus watching TV, or cooking in the kitchen with Seamus and then sitting on the couch with him and watching TV. Or other things that somehow do not end up with me blogging. I think its a phase. I hope it is.

Also, I think that since I have been on an extended hiatus from school, I dont feel as stimulated in the brain region and thats what usually inspires me to write. Honestly, my job is easy, navigating my life is, I assume, much like navigating your life - make money, pay bills, avoid jumping off tall things. So, I guess I havent felt like things have been worthy of a blog post - but the thing is, maybe everything IS worthy of a blog post because that is the point of blogs? Maybe I will rename this blog "The Most Pointless Blog on the Internet" and then EVERYTHING that EVER happens will obviously warrant a post.

Anywho. Friday was April Fools and morale in the office had been at an extreme low. Suffice to say that many of us were feeling raked over the coals due to a recent event and needed some cheering-the-fuck-up. I took it upon myself to start an April Fools prank war. I started with putting a piece of masking tape over the censor on the bottom of people's mouses (which had some people crawling under their desks and jiggling wires), incorporated a few prank calls from and ended with the grand finale of kidnapping my hard core U of O Ducks fan of a boss's cardboard cutout of the U of O Duck mascot and placing him in a 2nd floor window of the building across the street. I didnt get to see the look on his face when he noticed it while walking passed, but I heard it was priceless. Somehow, being at the center of all the pranking left me un-pranked.

I patted myself on the back for all of my good deeds with way too many whiskeys afterward. It was the most successful April Fools Ive had in a while. Next year should be even better.

1 comment:

kungfuramone said...

Sounds like no one wanted to step up to the champ after suffering prank-attacks like that. You are the Mike Tyson c. 1990 of pranking.