Thursday, March 01, 2012

All right, all right. I dropped off the face of the blogging world, and there have been things to talk about, but I seem to be keeping a helluva lot to myself these days. I guess sometimes thats a good thing.

Lets be real, though, my friends and people who know me have been keeping up just fine with my goings-on via Facebook. The Facebook has become a weird force of its own and Im on it WAY too much. Was I always that interested in the day-to-day of nearly everyone ever? Actually, Im pretty choosey about who I enter a "facebook relationship" with because I dont enjoy to censor myself too much, and certainly not for the sake of others. I do, of course, censor myself, but thats only because if I shared half of whats in my head at any given time, its likely that no one would ever want to associate with me again.

I'll just pretend that I havent neglected this blog for months and months at a time and get back into it:

Work Friendships: I seem to have a knack for befriending my co-workers. Its hard to avoid - you spend most of your life with people you work with. I happen to get lucky and work with pretty awesome people at just about every job Ive ever had, and with my current employer - its no different. Working for a small, family owned company makes it feel even more like family, though. A lovely and strange and wonderful and totally-frustrating-at-times family.

Plus its so easy to say to your co-worker friends "lets grab a drink before we all head home" and thats how it all begins and remains and ends.

Currently, work friendships are treating me fantastically. Some really awesome folks and I have been thrown into an office setting together and its been really nice to share the whole work experience with them.

Other internet things: Other blogs have been keeping me inspired (obviously not to write in or contribute to my own blog, but just inspired about life in general) and also have you heard of this thing called Pinterest? Um, that is a whole other "time suck" that I've recently gotten myself involved in, but I feel is more productive because after looking at images that inspire me, I feel inspired!.

Also, DIY and craft and home improvement-type blogs have been captivating my attention to seemingly no end recently. This is sort-of strange because I live in an apartment and have no house to fix up, but all I want to do lately is fix up houses. Interestingly, I think the housing market is perfect for that kind of thing right now...

Im not saying that its going to happen for us, but this is something that Seamus and I are acutely aware of right now. Is all Im saying.

Relationship things: are good. Seamus and I will be coming up on 3 years this summer (WHAT?!) and its both a totally believable and hardly believable amount of time for us to be dating.

Me: Im good. Im gonna be 31 in a couple months and I feel like Im constantly on my way to becoming who I will be when I grow up, but is that something that never happens? I mean, do people ever end up being who they are going to be? Or are you always en route to that state until they die and then they were who they were their whole life, which was never one... defined... person but someone slowly evolving into everyone they've ever been?

Does this qualify me for therapy?

Speaking of, Ive been thinking about therapy and considering getting back into it. I mean, I think these days, even if you dont feel like you have overt issues, you could probably use a little therapy every now and then.

Have you seen that Rick Santorum has a chance to clinch the Republican nomination? Its a crazy fucking world out there and that alone I think makes all of us a little deserving of a chat with a professional.

So I think what really happened was I started to over-think this blog a little, when what I should be doing is just typing out the random non-sense in my head because maybe it will be helpful in a cathartic way and maybe it will even amuse someone at some point.

Doubtful. ;)

But who fucking cares right?

1 comment:

Notebook said...

Ah, it's great to read your blog again! :)