Monday, July 21, 2008

And breathe...

So the theme of the weekend was relaxation and it was most excellent. I stayed in, read a book, did some serious damage at the grocery store, hung out with the new roomies and watched some movies. Not a minute wasted hung-over or feeling guilty. Much time was spent fantasizing about outdoor improvements to the house and lavish remodeling schemes. Ah, to be rich or even upper middle class…
So moving forward, the plan is to continue with the relaxation in all areas except for work. Bosses tend to frown upon relaxation on the clock and the very last thing I need is to lose my job.
On the schedule for tonight: laundry, cooking a meatloaf, washing and straightening my hair and painting my nails. Oh and hopefully a girly movie if theres time.
Speaking of! Jason, Eric and I watched Enchanted the other day and it dawned on me that according to the Disney formula, all a girl needs to do is stumble upon her Prince Charming (or in this case, fall out of a tree onto him and his white horse) and so I tried to figure out how I would be able to fall on boys in a real life scenario. Jason came up with the idea of pushing me into cute boys and he decided to test the strategy unbeknownst to me while we were in Fred Meyer. The results were mixed: while it definitely got the boys attention, it didn’t yield a phone number or much of a conversation. This could have been due to my surprise and inability to quit laughing or say anything other than “oh sorry”. Perhaps our technique needs honing.
Related: my gay boys are always on the prowl for eye candy and they are constantly putting my girls to shame as no one knows how to objectify men like men and this is most pleasing.

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