Sunday, September 28, 2008

Right, then

Unemployment claim has been filed, résumé is being dusted off and surprisingly, its been more of a productive week than expected. However, it has been a relaxing week as well - full of delicious cooking and lotsa movie watchin.
I was also able to take in a show by way of last minute ticket inheritance - Cheap Trick, Heart and Journey. I was most excited about Journey and Heart, but Cheap Trick played their hits and played them well. Heart absolutely blew my mind. Those Wilson sisters are so full of talent and awesome its almost unfair. I was unpleasantly surprised by Journey's insistence on playing new songs that no one cares to hear, and their lack of focus on their hits. But, my expectations werent that high anyway, as Steve Perry is long gone from the band and in my mind they are no longer "really" Journey anyway.
In other news, I begin to pack and prepare to move this week and next. Again, my hopes are high that this will be a positive change (which Im pretty sure it will be) and will allow me to catch up financially, and undo a lot of shit that was done recently.
Ingunn said something to me recently to the effect of "It seems like when change is badly needed in life, shit just kind of happens and forces you to make the changes you've known you needed to make, but for whatever reason didnt on your own." and that cheered me up a bit. The two main sources of stress in my life were my ridiculous living situation in that house and my cunt of a boss. Now, (or soon, anyway) I have neither.
So, cross your fingers and think good thoughts for improvement. For now, I gotta switch over the laundry and get back to the résumé.


Chrissy said...

Thank you sir! Hope all is well in the City of Lights.


Alexis said...

That's so cool you saw Heart.

Change is good... good work.
