The new year. It is essential for me to look forward to the new year and focus as little as possible on 2008 and what a shit storm it was. I mean, I always reflect on the past (maybe a little too much) but in order to stay optimistic I must look forward.
I have plenty of resolutions lined up, but I feel like I should package them all together under one big resolution called Operation Stop Being Such A Little Bitch. I need to be more resiliant, proactive, reserved, deliberate and disciplined in the new year. These are broad ideas, but I have specifics in mind which I wont go into here.
In the dating department I am still fucking clueless. Ive decided this cant be helped. Ive come to the conclusion that I need to either be true to myself and persue what I truly want, or not date at all. For a while anyway. Casual dating is fun at first but someone often wants to move forward before the other person and this can rarely end well. Im not sure if you're aware of how retarded the dating game is, but it is also truly exhausting. Im not ready to deal with it, I dont think. A relationship - perhaps, dating games - no.
Anywho. The differences in my life right now compared to new years last year are too many to list. Im hoping I can make these changes positive and on new years 2010 I will look back and say "Damn, I really kicked some ass in 2009."
are u like ..the Pearl's Carrie Bradshaw?
I mean hey. What is with the picture of yourself? Too bad Portland is going back to being a cool place, will you return to where ever the XV(&*^% you are from?
You should have seen what it was like here before people like you came.
What in the world is wrong with this anonymous person? (S/He "mean[s] hey." ???? Idiot. )
Back from family trip, sitting at my desk, catching up with your posts backwards. Yeah, I think cleaning your house is better than dating -- and then drinking and rocking gypsy music. Happy New Year and I hope in 09 everything everywher gets better. X
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