A new tip for the power cord was acquired and I am back in business (for now). This makes me extra happy as I am an internet whore. Not only that, but there are things about having ones own computer that makes life a little less shitty. Such as: downloading music, instant messenger, porn, and uh... Oh I guess all of those things are internet related. Whatever.
Today was kind of productive. I tried hooking up the TV and DVD/VCR so that I could record the season premier of Lost tonight, but alas, it was not in the cards. Thank god for TV on the internet. Also I am making broiled salmon in a dill caper sauce and green beans with hazelnuts for dinner tonight. Eating healthy is a lot of work. And expensive.
Garnett made fajitas on Monday that were so effing delicious that I think a few angels died. Its possible that her fajitas killed angels.
I started reading a 700 page book on Che Guevara, so I hope that Che Guevara was a really fucking interesting dude cause, uh, my attention span isnt very long.
The inauguration was pretty sweet-ass, what I saw of it, anyway. I am so fucking relieved that Bush is out of office. We celebrated the way we do best: with beer and pool at the Side Street. It seems that Kelly and I may have assembled a pool league team of our own that will play on Thursday nights. So far we have a few pretty good players and a possible captain, now all we need is a bar to host us. Im sure we can pull it off.
I found out today that I was part of someone's new years resolution! Me specifically. Makes a girl feel special. Im pretty much down with Katt Williams' assessment that I need to be in tune with my star player this year. Look out for #1.
Weird dreams last night. Fist fights and parties and ex's and all sorts of strange goings on.
Why dont I have a glass of wine in my hand right now?
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