Have you seen the Institute for Human Continuity's website? Apparently this is a viral tactic to get people excited about the movie 2012 which doesnt even come out until November. The website says "Nobody knows precisely what our world will look like on December 12, 2012. We do know, with near complete certainty, that a series of catastrophes will decimate much of the planet. The IHC will not save everyone. It will, however, give each individual an equal chance at survival." Is it just me, or does this seem like a bad idea? I mean, there's not really anything that tells you the website is marketing a movie. Im sure the idea is to cause something of a freak out, but what if people really took the website seriously and started to panic? I mean, having people sign up for a "survival lottery"? Thats kinda mean. Also, the website is being advertised on Myspace. The website, not the movie. They obviously want as many people as possible to find it. I dont know, I think its a terrible idea and its kinda fucked up to try and convince people that the world is gonna end in 3 years just to sell movie tickets.
There seems to always be some sort of doomsday right around the corner. When I was a kid growing up in LA, there was constant buzz of an earthquake that would sink California into the ocean, then there was Y2K and nuclear warfare and bio-terrorism and asteroids, and now the end of the Mayan Calendar.
Dudes, I have enough shit to worry about on a day-to-day basis. Who has time for all this Chicken Little shit?
What I do have time for is a Big Black staring contest:
1 comment:
but the end of the world IS coming. bahleedat! get your seven muthafuckin chuckles in quick
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