Thursday, February 12, 2009


I suggest you take time out of your day to visit my new favorite website, Fuck My Life. Just when you think you have it the worst, theres this website to cheer you up and remind you that life sucks for everyone. Ah, internets. I needed that. Its like you know me.

Yesterday Garnett, her boyfriend and I watched this really cheesy B movie about the Green River Killer that bordered on soft core porn. I mean, who does that? Makes a soft core porn about a guy that murdered like 100 women? And THEN they put snippets of an actual interview with the actual Green River Killer in there! It'd be like - soft core porn sex scene - actual police interview with the creepiest guy ever - repeat. Bizarre.

Back to studying!



kungfuramone said...

Between ourselves, I *never* understood the existence of soft porn. And yes, there is certainly *no need whatsoever* for soft porn linked with horrible murder.

Chrissy said...

Word. I felt creepy just WATCHING it. Garnett apologized profusely the entire movie as she did not know the movie was "like this".