Sunday, March 08, 2009

Generation Kill

If you havent watched the HBO mini-series called Generation Kill, you need to do so immediately. Its based off the book of the same title written by a Rolling Stone journalist that happened to be with the battalion of 1st reconnaissance Marines in the invasion of Iraq. They were essentially "the tip of the spear". The Marines depicted in the series are real people, and one of them ended up actually being cast as himself. In the special features on the DVD, there is an interview with the actual marines and the journalist that wrote it that all agree the series is very true to what actually went down.

Anyway, regardless of your political leanings, the series is eye opening. What really surprised me more than the tactical fuck-ups made by marine officers, was the lack of fear in the soldiers themselves. I like to think that most people wouldnt argue that there is an abundance of bravery in our military.

Im reminded that men and women deployed overseas in the war are most certainly not on vacation. I read from several online sources that the soldiers' most wanted items included things that seem as trivial to us as sunscreen, chap stick, beef jerky, magazines, bug spray, foot powder and hard candy. So I did a little googling and found an organization called Adopt a US Soldier and I signed up. I received the contact info of a Sargent in the Army and I plan on sending him care packages of things like Ive listed above. I mean, the post office has a flat rate box that you can pack to the gills and send to any military address for a flat fee of like 10 bucks. So, for relatively little cost, I think I can make a small difference for one soldier.

You know, doing my part.

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