"Growing up" is so goddam weird. Life is so strange.
So the good news is that I placed in the highest writing class possible and successfully registered for my classes today. I was so worried about not being able to get the classes that I wanted because freshman have to register last, but what I didnt realise is that most people want online and night classes. So almost every class I wanted had plenty of room.
The reading/writing placement test was so easy it was funny at times. I actually laughed out loud (lol!) at some of the questions (other testers didnt seem to get the joke). When I handed my scores to the girl at the front desk she looked shocked at how well I did. I could just hear the thought in her head "This bitch can read? I did not expect that!" Actually, she seemed genuinely happy for me that I did so well.
This is actually the most important thing to me right now. That I am making the decision to take on a pretty intense program, wrestle its ass to the ground, and conquer it in two years. I am so glad that I get to do this at a time with little to no other distractions. Of course, I do love my social life, and I would be lying to myself if I said that school isnt going to be a total bummer in that area at times. BUT! Tons of people pull off school and socializing (and work!) at the same time, so I know I can too.
On the other hand, dating. Jesus H Christ on a bicycle. Dating is torture. Why do people do this to themselves on purpose? I miss the straight-forward-ness of a comfortable relationship. I miss being fairly certain that I am not bat shit crazy on a pretty consistent basis.
I should stop there.
Oh God I know.
congrats on starting your program.
u r funny "this bitch cn read!" ha -- the finniest test I ever took like that was for a california teaching credential. And all the math problems were about how many blackboards you could hang up in four or five hours.
funniest I meant
that explains why there are so many brilliant people in California. :)
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