Thursday, January 27, 2011

Public Transportation (aka hell on Earth)

So here's what: my car has been having serious issues since I ventured south to Vegas in it (perhaps I will elaborate more on that trip later). My good friend has been kind enough to tinker around with it and patch it up here and there, but he doesnt know much about my particular type of car, and Im getting sick of having to replace temporary band-aids on it seemingly every week. So I've vowed to let it chill the fuck out in the driveway until I get my tax return and then I will take it to an official VW mechanic and pay way too much money to get it fixed for good.

As my luck would have it, Seamus' car is also out of commission as of two days before mine decided to join it. This means that I am re-acquainted with my old Nemesis: public transportation. The issue for me is not that I am "above" taking public transportation, it's just maybe the biggest trigger for panic attacks that I have - aside from, say, being trapped in an elevator. An elevator crammed full of people.

The shittiest part about taking the bus to and from work is that I am always riding it during rush hour when the bus is packed and sitting in traffic. This is my nightmare. Luckily, I work from 7 to 4, so rush hour is on the lighter side.

Saving graces: My bus ride has, so far, not taken longer than 25 minutes; 2 to 3 times a week, Seamus and I will be riding the bus home together in the evening when traffic is the worst, and, of course, the fact that this is all temporary. Just how temporary remains to be seen at this point, but temporary nonetheless.

In related news, life has had no shortage of stress for me lately. So the theme of late has been perseverance. I tend to get whiny when under stress for extended periods of time, but its nice to have this here blog and good friends who are smart and good looking to use as methods of venting, reflection, and perspective.

So, long story short - I will survive, but I am definitely looking forward to calmer seas.


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