Thursday, April 28, 2011

30 years in

As a female, I feel genetically predisposed to enjoying weddings - and as a former little girl, fairytale princess weddings. So, everyone is talking about Prince William and Kate Middletons wedding today, which is occurring at 1:30 am (tonight/) tomorrow. If I had my way, I would DVR the thing and watch it at a reasonable hour with a pint of Ben and Jerry's while wearing the prettiest tiara available at Claire's. And, since my 30th birthday is Saturday, it is totally possible that I will spend the day doing exactly that while not feeling the slightest bit sorry that this is where my life is exactly 30 years in.

So where exactly am I at the 30 year mark?
  • Currently I am slowly organizing the hell out of the cute little townhouse that I share with my two favorite boys on Earth. The enjoyment this brings me is something I should not fully admit to (the organization, that is). I came this close to posting pictures of my now very organized closet on Facebook to brag. I opted instead to leave the doors open so that I can sit up in bed each morning and admire it. More recently Ive been considering taking the doors off completely.
  • Ive planted my very first garden - arugula, parsley, radishes, green beans, cherry tomatoes, green onion, violas and English daisies. This also excites me to no end. Each day I come home from work and check their progress and each day my little sprouts are a little taller and new ones are coming in. I call them my "babies" and my cat is highly unimpressed with their location in the prime real estate on the carpet in front of the sliding glass doors where she is usually lounging and soaking up sun.
  • Very recently I've cut back to 32 hours per week at work so that, come summer term, I can get back on track with school again. I feel fortunate to be able to do this, as not many companies will allow you to work just enough to be eligible for full benefits. But, I work for a great company.
  • For some time now Ive been enjoying the benefits of having a culinary student boyfriend, and Ive put on the pounds to prove it. Im definitely coming to terms with the fact that from now on I will need to work out to be skinny, but Ive had a good run at being skinny with little to no effort - so I suppose its only fair. The trade off is that I get to eat delicious foods on the regular, and that is truly, truly awesome.

    Update: It has been decided that Saturday morning Seamus will make me french toast and minosas and I will enjoy them while watching Royal Wedding. Isnt that a lovely way to start my 30th year on Earth? I think so.
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