Heres the thing: Im getting too old for this shit. “This shit” being the inevitable drama that always seems to creep into my life. I understand that because I am a person and I socialize with other people situations and issues are going to happen, but Im just getting too old to deal with them.
The weekend was, for the most part, fun. It started out shitty with drunken miscommunications and exhausted emotions which led to a lose-lose situation in which there was no right answer. This is all very vague because I don’t even want to waste the energy on details, THAT’S how uninterested I am in being involved in these situations. My knee-jerk reaction lately is to just get the fuck out of there and re-group when the dirt has settled. I see no use in trying to negotiate or rationalize with people who are drunk and emotional.
So anywho, everyone kissed and made up and the rest of the weekend was really fun. 4th of July in Lincoln City, Oregon: definitely recommended. The weather cooperated, we had lots of beer and booze, an excellent bonfire and the locals were awesome.
A new chapter in my life has opened up and it is called “Chrissy was a born fag-hag: My life with a gay couple” and its about my new roommates, two gay men by the names of Eric and Jason. Eric is more masculine and is handy around the house and likes to do yard work while Jason is more of a Suzie Homemaker and loves cooking and cleaning. I came home from my weekend at the beach to a completely SPOTLESS house (we’re talking floors you can eat off of, refrigerator cleaned out, litter box cleaned, recycling separated, etc.) and I almost burst into tears. Then I proposed to Jason. They almost seem too good to be true and for now, I cant believe my luck. I found them at the last second possible and so far I am convinced that they are exactly who I was meant to live with.
So uh, in a strange twist of fate – everything worked out.
Everything working out always makes me hell-of-a suspicious...
I know! Im waiting to be struck by lightning or something.
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