Monday, October 20, 2008

Mmm... McNulty...

Long time no see. There are things going on and new developments. Also there is a whole lot of nothing going on and very boring nothingness. Most recently, my girls and I attended a (very early) Halloween party dressed as whores circa 1890 (or "Saloon Girls" for the PG crowd) and Im not sure if I mentioned before, but I only hang out with hot women and they never looked hotter. Oddly enough, I think we all wanted to jump each others bones more than any of the men present. Either that, or we were too distracted by each other to notice the male reaction. At any rate, my girls were smoking hot and lots of fun was had.
Things with the Man have gone south to the surprise of no one. Ive come to realize that now is a time in my life where I need to focus on me and not settle for anything less than absolute awesomeness. I know its out there, I just gotta be patient. What will make this more interesting is that I have no patience whatsoever.
Ive moved in with the lovely Kelly and Garnett and things are good. They've introduced me to my new favorite things ever:


So this is not to say that there is a lack of delicious men in my life - its just that one of them is a charming serial killer and the other one is a homicide detective and neither one of them is real. On a good day, I like to watch a couple episodes of The Wire, then a couple episodes of Dexter and then more episodes of The Wire - effectively making a hot McNulty/Dexter sandwich of yumminess.

Now that is comfort food.


1 comment:

kungfuramone said...

DUDE. Just wait until seasons 2 + 3 of The Wire. Sooooooo awesome!