That said, doesnt it kinda feel like the sky is falling? What with the war, the economy and me having to move out of my house with no job and all? I mean, a part of me cant help but focus on how grim things look, while another part of me says "Hey! Out with the bad and in with the good! Focus on the longer-short term here!" Cause, you know, Im about to move in with two really rad girls, I will probably get a job that makes me happy(er than the last one did) and January 20th is fast approaching! So, as long as I am gainfully employed, not entrenched in a never ending (albeit unforeseen) cat fight and McCain isnt elected, better times are surely on their way! I just have to weather the storm for a bit longer, right? It isnt naive to be optimistic, right?
Anywho. The agenda for today includes plans of packing up the house and calculating the quickest way to stave off permanent financial ruin (OK, that is a little dramatic - permanent financial ruin isnt possible at age 27, right?) followed by hanging out with the girls and watching (hopefully happy-girly-type) movies at my future casa. Hopefully there is additional optimism to be acquired along the way.
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