Monday, November 10, 2008

Lost and stuff

Finished the second and third seasons of Lost. Holy hell. There were moments where I became convinced the show was ruining my life and yet I continued to watch. I couldnt stop! Also I have a theory that anyone who falls in love on the island gets shot in the belly. So its a good thing that Kate, Sawyer and Jack have that crazy love triangle thing going on and no one seems to REALLY express being in love, otherwise they'd all be shot in the belly. And where would the show be then? Fourth season comes out next month. Heres hoping I make it until then. After that I'll have to watch the show just like everyone else, waiting a WEEK between episodes and Im not sure I can handle that either, but heres hoping.

Met a boy last night. He's cute, but young. He asked to wager a kiss on a pool game and I thought that was adorable. I also posted an ad on the Mercury's LoveLab for shits and giggles and so far the results are a mix between horror and flattery.

Watched Tommy (the rock opera by The Who) for the first time since I was a kid today and all I have to say is: holy... shit... I mostly only remembered my favorite scenes (the white room with the beans and chocolate and the pinball championship with Elton John) and managed to somehow block out all of the crazy fucked-up madness that comprises the rest of the movie. At one point I had to question the parenting skills of my mother for allowing me to watch such fucked-up-ness as often as I wanted at a young age. But I obviously turned out to be an upstanding citizen, so no harm no foul.

This post is all over the place.



kungfuramone said...

Isn't it weird how often the phrase "crazy fucked-up madness" describes everything?

And regarding Lost: I think they really managed to rescue it in the fourth season after the terribleness that was the third.

kungfuramone said...

P.S. Alexis wants you to know that you and she need to go on a sex vacation to London together to nail hot British guys.

P.P.S. Please send me your current e-mail - I think I have an outdated one.