Dude, I am so sick of being sick. Truly, dudes, it is the anti-rad. I am, however, quite impressed with my kitties ability to sleep endlessly each day. She is amazing.
So I went to the store and picked up some things to make delicious meals at home and this morning I woke up feeling like death and remembered that I am in no shape to be cooking. What I should have done was buy nothing but easy frozen and canned stuff that I can just heat up. Oh well.
Does it seem like I am extra bitchy lately? Im sorry about that. I think its because Ive felt really physically un-well for like a record amount of time and because times are hard financially. Money and physical well-being arent everything, but they sure are easy to bitch about! So, going forward, no more of that.
This weekend is Holly's birthday and Dysfunctional Thanksgiving (Im not sure if Ive mentioned it before, but this is an event my friends and I have every year where we all get together pot-luck style and drink heavily in anticipation of the always miserable holiday season. The best part is that people just bring whatever the hell they want so we end up having stuff like enchiladas and other random not-thanksgiving-related dishes that I am too drugged up to remember right now). ANYWHO. Kelly and Holly have requested that I make my "famous" mashed potatoes, so I gotta be well enough to cook AND party by Saturday. Bring on the vitamin C!
Also tentatively scheduled this weekend is a date with a guy who seems to have a head on his shoulders. Stay tuned.
Monday night Kelly and I played pool with these two guys that hang out at our neighborhood bar, Mike and Kelly. They are both pretty good, but Kelly and I are undefeated in Scotch Doubles so we decide to play that (hey if you have an advantage, might as well use it!). At the end of the night we were tied 2 games to 2. They had ruined our perfect record and I wanted a tie breaker. So Kelly (the guy on the other team) asks me if Kelly and I want to play the tie breaker for drinks. I tell him that we only play for fun and never bet on our games and he says that he and Mike will play one handed. How can we lose?! So I agree and Kelly shakes her head at me as though she just saw me get hustled. Well, thats because she DID just see me get hustled. These guys MURDERED us playing with one hand as the entire bar sat and watched. It was humiliating. Now, I am usually a very good sport, but at one point half the bar had joined me in heckling these guys, but it was to no avail. In the end, they didnt even want their drinks. I guess the humiliation tasted sweet enough.
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