Monday, February 16, 2009

Studyin in the ER

So, in an unfortunate turn of events today, I spent about 10 hours in the waiting room of an ER studying algebra. The bad news is that my friend had to go to the ER (possible post-surgery infection) but the good news is that I got to spend the entire day with my nose to the grindstone studying without the usual distractions of TV and the internet.
Im trying to re-learn algebra (its totally NOT like riding a bike) in a very short period of time to save myself the hassle of having to take a math class full of shit I used to be able to do in my sleep 10 years ago. So, placement exams will be taken tomorrow and hopefully I will do well enough to save myself some time and money. I have to be at calculus level by next spring, so I basically have to fill my head up with math as fast as possible. Its a good thing I am a fairly quick learner and am anal retentive with numbers.

In other news the alternator went out in my car and this displeases me greatly. I require very little right now and my car is pretty damn high on that fairly short list. Luckily parts for my car are cheap and I know a couple mechanics who will install the damn thing for beer.

I should be asleep but I am afraid I will wake up tomorrow and everything I re-learned will be gone. Also Im kinda amped up and stressed out about the events of the day.

Jesus, wont life ever be easy? Just ONCE?

If I do well tomorrow celebrations will be in order.


1 comment:

Alexis said...

How did it go? I have a feeling you did kick its ass. Also, i so know that feeling of not being able to sleep after you actually do gain focus. It all seems very either or.