Friday, February 27, 2009

This just in

Holy crap have you seen the Joaquin Phoenix/David Letterman interview?! Gah. Pop culture really is my favorite thing ever (I know I say things are my favorite thing ever a lot, but pop culture really is my #1-all-time-soul-mate-star-crossed-lovers-aint-never-gonna-give-it-up favoritist thing ever). Observe the akwardness:

What the hell is going on there? I dont know.

Also, did you hear that Nicky Hilton put a homeless man under citizens arrest at an IHOP? What is the strangest item in that story? That she actually envoked a citizens arrest or that the millionaire heiress was at an IHOP? I love it.

Speaking of things I love, last night I discovered the band Company of Thieves and I am most definitely purchasing thier newly released album Ordinary Riches and you should too.


kungfuramone said...

Darn it. Why must there be these bands that have no bass? Don't they know that the bass is the STARCH that holds the tasty MEAL of the MUSIC together?!

Chrissy said...

Your opinion on the matter wouldnt be at all biased by the fact that you play bass, would it?
