Saturday, March 14, 2009

Dont lose focus

So, there are about to be a lot of things going on for me soon. Well, more things than usual (which isnt really saying much, as the unemployed life is pretty low key). Obviously, priority numero uno will be school, but there are things that I would like to accomplish between then and now. I've got like 2 weeks. I better make the most out of them.

Uncle Sam is sending me some money via tax returns and I have some debts to pay off and a car to fix, so once those things are out of the way, I think I'll feel tons better. Just a few less things nagging me from the back of my mind. Then comes financial aid, books and hopefully a new laptop.

In the mix is also Cash's spring break which will mean a week of seeing Pancho a bunch. Lets hope I can keep it together better this time than I did during Christmas. Im confident that I will, but cross your fingers or wish on a star or whatever for me anyway, for good measure. Its not that Pancho and I dont get along, its just that staying close after breaking up is hard work emotionally sometimes.

I would really like to squeeze a tattoo out of some of this money Im coming into. Im not sure it will be possible yet, but Im really hoping I can. I had to sell my shares in the company I worked for (a huge downfall of not being an employee-owner, as the returns on that stock only grew every year) so Im thinking I will put that money toward some ink.

I think I can pull all of this off beautifully if I just keep a level head. Last night I declined the usual invitations to play pool and drink in a bar and opted to take my sister out for sushi then spend the night in with her, painting our nails, watching the Blazer game (holy fucking 4th quarter!) and sipping wine. It was one of the best nights I've had in a while. My future needs more of those.


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