Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Urgent News Item

Stop the presses: I like a boy.

Ok, so you probably saw that coming. But, here's something you probably didnt know: Ive been dating him for a little while and Im happy. I think theres potential there. Just to brag a little (mostly to Alexis), here are a couple things he does that make me smile:

  • He takes me on really awesome dates, regularly. Dates that he actually takes the time to think up and plan out.
  • He travels a lot for work and brings me back cute little things from each city he goes to.
  • He laughs at all my stupid jokes. He thinks Im funny!

    On top of this, he is fantastically good looking, 6'5", successful and ambitious.

    Now, (Alexis) dont get me wrong, Im definitely not living in a fantasy world. He and I are dating in the world of reality complete with insecurities, uncertainty, boundaries and compromises. But, things are good right now and I just felt like gushing a little. Its St. Paddys Day and I feel kinda lucky.

  • 1 comment:

    Alexis said...

    That sounds great! Bragging acheived - and I do not think you are in a fantasy world. Your 3 points are like the 3 most important points and then he's attractive too! Proceed.