Thursday, January 13, 2011

I think they call it "Contentment"

So, I've found myself in that all-too-rare-in-my-life place where Im content. Not completely content, because there is still work to do, but damn content enough for my liking. More content than I have been in quite some time.

I think being unemployed for so long gave me a great big swig off a tall glass of perspective. Being in control of my income is a fantastic thing. Also sipping from this tall glass of perspective is one Louis CK, who also happens to be my favorite comic ever. I was watching his latest special, "Hilarious", and was particularly fond of his "white people problems" jokes.
Uncensored - Louis C.K. - White People Problems
JokesJoke of the DayFunny Jokes

Its so true. Im poor and yet I have a Blackberry, a 42 inch HD tv, HBO, a laptop, leather seats with seat warmers in my car and I carry a Coach bag. Granted, by car is problematic and not paid for and I bought my Coach bag on Ebay, but STILL. My problems are stupid. "UUUuuugghhh, my check engine light came on and now Im going to have to spend money fixing it instead of spoiling myself, woe is me!"

Thanks Louis CK. You're the best.

Speaking of, Seamus and I saw Louis CK in November and he really is the best. Seriously, if he is coming to a city near you, go see him.

In addition to receiving a fresh dose of perspective, being unemployed also gave me a crash course on living cheap. So, now, I make more money and live cheaper and everyone wins. Soon I will begin saving for a trip to Disneyland - which, I dont know if you've checked, is SUPER expensive! But, my boy is in the prime Disneyland age range and I think he's gonna be pretty fucking stoked when we surprise him with the trip. For Christmas, we took him down to San Francisco - to Alcatraz and Chinatown and Fishermans Wharf, and etc. - and he was super excited about that so Im pretty sure Disneyland is going to blow his mind.

So, basically, with the current economic crisis and wars going on - its the end of the world as we know it - and I kinda do feel fine.


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