Thursday, January 06, 2011

The Social What-Now?

I keep reading these articles about how gigantic and rich Facebook is getting. Hugely rich businesses are investing tons and tons of money in it. I dont understand how Facebook could be worth $50 billion, but what do I know about valuation? I do, however, have a memory of what happened to Myspace when people thought the same thing about it. I also have a feeling that Facebook is going to go the same way as Myspace at any moment.

I used to be hugely addicted to Facebook. I checked it SEVERAL TIMES every day. Now I peek at it maybe once a day and am largely unimpressed with what I find. No offense to my Facebook pals, but hearing the day-to-day goings on of your lives isnt that exciting to me anymore. Nor do I think you are that interested in mine. I feel like I shouldnt even post anything unless I have something particularly exciting or clever or funny to say, and, unfortunately, that kind of stuff just doesnt happen to me all that often.

The aspect of Facebook that I cannot speak to is the FarmVille-ing and Mafia Wars-ing and all that other shite that goes on on that site because I have LONG since hidden all of those damn things. Im not sure if people are still cracking out on them or not, so for all I know, that may still be all the rage. But, honestly, how long can that go on? Who knows. Maybe it gives the lonely people of Earth something to occupy their time with.

In some ways, I hope Facebook stays around and that people stay somewhat interested in it. It is a great way to share photos with people (everyone you know- if you want) and I just cant get myself into the habit of following Twitter very closely, which would be the alternative, I guess. As you can see in the margin, I dont tweet very often. Now that I think of it, sharing photos is really the best part of Facebook to me these days. I even like looking at peoples vacation photos and seeing all the places they've been. Its a cool peek into people's lives that you probably wouldnt otherwise have. When I see mutual friends' profiles on someone elses page, Im not sad when I cant see their "wall" or "info", Im sad when I cant see their photos and what they look like now. Their photos tell me a more interesting story of where they live and who they associate with and what their life is like than the rest of their Facebook profile.

Does that make me a Facebook stalker?

(I said Facebook 10 times in this post. Make that 11.)


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