Thursday, May 26, 2011

Photos are more fun than words.

I've written two posts lately and didnt have time to finish them. I went back to them today and am not particularly impressed with either. Such is life, I suppose. I bore the crap outta myself sometimes with this blog.

I watched The Social Network the other night. It was entertaining, but I really despise that Jesse Eisenberg guy. I saw an interview he did on one of those late night talk shows and I thought he was a douche. Most of what he talked about was how he's been a nerd his whole life and because of that he's bitter and victimized, and even now that he is a famous actor he still gets treated like the nerd in the room and boo hoo. I think the line in the movie where Zukerbergs girlfriend tells him that girls dont like him not because he's a nerd, its because hes an asshole was actually written for Jesse Eisenberg. That and I dont think it takes an especially gifted actor to play the same charecter over and over again. At least Michael Cera is a likeable guy.

So my friend Chrissy has started doing this thing where she takes and posts to the internet one photo per day. Right now I am liking this idea much more than traditional blogging. Her photo blog is so interesting and full of beautiful pictures, it inspired me to try to do something similar. I was worried that mine would be boring and full of pictures of the same things, so this has challenged me to look for interesting things to capture each day. Chrissy is a bartender and is also in a band so she sees interesting things regularly. I have to hunt them. But I like that.

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